>KRJE News
New happenings at KRJE
We have a new member on our team. Teagan Bonjour has taken on the job of the daily schedule for the programing of the station. Check our Team page for more information.
We have updated our website. Let us know what you think either on Facebook or through our contact page. If there's a link that's not working, please let us know.
As of the week of 4/23-29/2023, we reached our 12th year of serving our community through the air, and broader areas with the live stream. The Lord's blessings are continually felt as we strive to bring you relevant content and music for this rapidly changing world. We hope you are gaining a blessing from it as well. We continue to look forward to many more years of service.
We have other thoughts and plans, but one thing at a time. As always, we are so glad that the Lord has given us this opportunity to serve you.
Our greatest desire is for everyone our radio signal comes in contact with to become the person God calls them to be by growing in health, knowledge and knowing Jesus as their personal friend and Savior.
If you've been blessed, contact and let us know. We very much enjoy hearing from our listeners.